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Helsinki-Uusimaa Cultural Market - improving availability

The project Helsinki-Uusimaa Cultural Market is improving the equal availability of culture and the employment of artists and freelancers in creative industry. All 26 regional municipalities are taking part in the project.

About a third of the population in Finland lives in the Helsinki-Uusimaa Region. The majority of professionals in the creative industry of our country works here. Increasing the equal availability of culture and improving the employment of cultural professionals make our region more vital. Consequently, this leads to a better wellbeing and participation of the inhabitants.

Producers and purchasers meet at Cultural Market Events

A Cultural Market Event will be held in the Autumns of 2024 and 2025. All 26 municipalities in the region get some purchase money for services of their own choice at the events. Wellbeing services counties, artist organisations and entrepreneurs in the industry are invited to these events.

Workshops will be held for municipalities, artists and other suitable actors. In the workshops blind or dead cultural spots are surveyed and solutions for a better cultural availability are looked for.

This project aims at finding new ways for municipalities and cultural actors to cooperate and act. In this way, versatile and qualitative cultural services are possible for everyone – also after ending the project.

This project is funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture and is implemented from 1 March 2024 to 31 Dec 2025. It is carried out by the Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council in cooperation with the regional municipalities.